Hi All,
This is a new Unreal Engine 5 Web Application recently developed for a major client, to help them save hundreds of thousands of pounds per year in Pack Shots, Still Life and mock-up renders.
In addition, this new Web App provides clients with the unique flexibility to instantly update and render labels and their products in real-time for Amazon store, Shopify, websites and numerous social media platforms with different dimensions and formats, instantly.
Finally, there are also state of the art social media animation features, PNGs with transparent backgrounds and much more at their finger tips.
My Web application runs/streams on a web page via URL link, making it possible for costumers to only require broadband internet. No high-end graphics cards or fast computers are needed.
For more information about my App, simply email me.
To stream my apps on browsers and mobile phones, I use a platform called, Eagle 3D Streaming:
iPhone AR link : https://ossified-cooing-script.glitch.me
lujobar: https://www.lujobar.com/
V-Ray 5 for 3ds Max 2020: 3D Rendering Workflows
Course 1: VRay 3ds Max Interior Rendering Tutorials |
2: Season's Greetings VRay & 3ds Max Tutorial |
Course 3: Planning Applications for Verified Views |
Course 4: 3d People + 3ds Max + VRay + Photoshop |
Course 5: Exterior Daylight with V-Ray + 3ds Max + Photoshop |
Course 6: Exterior Night with V-Ray + 3ds Max + Photoshop |
Course 7: Interior Daylight with V-Ray + 3ds Max + Photoshop |
Course 8: Interior Night with V-Ray + 3ds Max + Photoshop |